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Regional Development Fund of Region of Western Greece

Patras – Greece


The Regional Development Fund of Region of Western Greece (RDF-RWG) has been established (1994) as a Private Legal Entity managed by a Board of Directors and the Regional Governor, as chairman of the Board, with key mission:

  • To facilitate, enable and accelerate the economic development of the Region of Western Greece.
  • To act as a value added regional development agency, by combining the benefits from the public and the private sector and contributing to the technical assistance in the fields of regional ecosystem mapping and the acceleration of regional strategies implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
  • To participate in the implementation of European programmes and other co-financed initiatives, as a supporting structure of the Region of Western Greece.

RDF-RWG facilitates the implementation of the Regional Development Model, main components of which are:

  • Promotion of entrepreneurship, openness, inclusion and extroversion towards sustainable growth and job creation.
  • Support innovation and entrepreneurship, in all S3 priority areas of the Region.
  • Implementation of social cohesion actions, research and initiatives.

Focus areas:

  • Management of National Public Investment Programme funds for the Region of Western Greece
  • Financing regional development studies and programmes
  • Participation in EU funded projects and initiatives
  • Improving the quality of life in the public domain through the promotion of innovation
  • Fostering social cohesion and inclusion in the Region of Western Greece

Role in the project

CI Authority from Greece, Contributor