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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

Water Supply and Sewerage Company of the Capital S.A.

Athens – Greece


EYDAP, founded in 1980, is the leading company in Greece in the water management sector and one of the largest in Europe serving almost 40% of the country’s population, supplying Attica with high quality drinking water, sewerage and wastewater treatment services following the strategic pillars of safety, efficiency and care for the environment, people and society.

EYDAP is constantly growing, investing in new technologies, improving its customers’ experience, developing innovative solutions and implementing international best practices in water usage and wastewater treatment.

Following the principles of circular economy EYDAP focuses on the development of new Wastewater Treatment Plants in East Attica, placing, at the same time, significant emphasis on networks’ maintenance, reuse of recycled water, establishment of a non-potable water network, use of renewable energy sources, transition to electrification and overall digital transformation, in order to achieve zero carbon water.

Having integrated sustainability into its business operations and development, EYDAP is constantly implementing responsible business practices always oriented towards people and the environment.

Role in the project

EYDAP is involved into the project as a main stakeholder providing its own facilities as a testing environment in Work Package WP9 – Pilots: Large-Scale & Cross-X Exercises and more specifically in T9.5 Micro Pilot Greece: Disruption Resilience in Water Management.