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General Directorate for Internal Protection

Bucharest – Romania


The General Directorate for Internal Protection (DGPI) is a specialized unit within the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI), with competencies in the field of national security.

The main responsibilities of DGPI are:

  1. Internal protection, where the primary goal is to identify, prevent, and counter risks, threats, and vulnerabilities affecting the missions, assets, operational capabilities, personnel, and decision-making processes of the MAI;
  2. Public order, by addressing risks that could lead to serious disturbances, ensuring the safety and security of our society;
  3. Protection of classified information, by serving as the designated security authority for the MAI, responsible for implementing measures to safeguard classified information and preventing unauthorized access and potential misuse; (4) cybersecurity, by ensuring the security of the IT&C infrastructure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the IT Incident Response Center (CERT-INT), playing a pivotal role in regulatory activities within the MAI and overseeing the implementation of cybersecurity measures across all critical sectors.

Role in the project

DGPI is participating in the Project as a Contributor in the working-packages WP1-WP4 and WP 9-WP12.